Wood County Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services (ADAMHS) 1.6 Mil Levy Renewal
The renewal of this levy will continue to fund mental health and alcohol/drug services for Wood County residents. Approximately 30,000 Wood County residents received treatment, recovery or prevention services last year, including walk-ins at Behavioral Connections, Children's Resource Center and through all public schools in the county, where they provide prevention services and administer an annual survey to measure the organization's impact. This levy, which if renewed will expire in 10 years, represents about 40% of the organization's funding. The majority of the rest of the organization's funding comes from another levy that will be up for renewal in about 5 years.
Please visit wcadamh.org for more information or to contact the Board at [email protected] to see how you can help. They are collecting endorsements right now, so you could ask to put your name on the list and/or request a sheet to help them collect names.
Perrysburg Exempted Village School District bond issue, constructing school facilities, 2.94 mills, 28 years, commencing in 2015
Voters in Perrysburg School District will be asked to consider a $38.9 million bond issue to construct a 5th and 6th grade school, make safety and security enhancements at the elementary schools, construct an auxiliary gym at the High School and update the Junior High, including air conditioning. Since 2001, Perrysburg Schools has added 600 students. To put this in perspective, they have added enough students to fill Ft. Meigs Elementary School, which finished the school year with 608 students. The overcrowding is primarily impacting the elementary and junior high levels. There are 20 portable classrooms in use in the district today. Annual new single-family construction is currently averaging between 40-50 homes per year and is trending upwards. On December 31, 2015, 1.85 mills that are currently being levied will expire. This bond issue will not be collected until after January 1, 2016. With the 1.85 mills that are retiring, it will be a net increase to taxpayers of 1.09 mills. The increase to the owner of a $200,000 home will be $6.36 per month.
Please visit www.citizensforperrysburgschools.org for more information or to volunteer to join the campaign's email list, join a canvass event, donate, write a letter, host a coffee and/or request a yard sign.
Rossford Exempted Village School District additional tax levy, current expenses, 4.49 mills, 5 years, commencing in 2014
Rossford Schools will be asking voters to approve a 4.49 mill operating levy. The levy would generate about $1.8 million annually, costing the owner of a $100,000 home about $13.10 a month. Passage will allow them to preserve student achievement and programming, while helping to offset a projected deficit that will grow to $7.2 million in 2019. Rossford Schools have lost over 1.4 million in revenue while tackling unfunded state mandates. They have closed an elementary building and restructured staffing levels resulting in over 1.1 million in cost savings over the last 2 years and have not requested new operating dollars in the last 12 years.
The Rossford Levy Committee, Better Schools for Better Community, will meet Wednesday, September 10, 7 p.m. at Rossford Recreation Center (400 Dixie Hwy).