Also, here are a few items from the Wood County Democratic Party Executive Committee Meeting last week:
- Nick Messenger endorsed for the 2016 State Representative race (more info at
- ODP endorsed Issue 1 – Fair Redistricting
- Passed a Resolution of Caring Economy (link to ODP's version of the resolution here)
- Discussed Issue 2 & 3 and did not make an endorsement; ODP also made no endorsement.
- List of upcoming events is below.
Also, just a reminder that links to the campaigns of all of our endorsed candidates may be found on our home page. Please read up on our candidates and offer them your support!
Upcoming Events
October 8—A special event with Jerry Springer and Chairman David Pepper from 5-6:30 p.m. at Two Foxes, 121 S Main St., Bowling Green
October 8—Perrysburg Area Democratic Club meeting 7-8 p.m. at Way Public Library
October 13—Democratic Party Presidential Primary First Debate, 6 p.m.
October 18—Perrysburg League of Women Voters Candidate Forum 2-4 p.m. at Way Public Library
October 21—Rossford Candidates' Forum at Rossford High School 6:30 p.m.
November 2—No-Excuses Chicken Dinner at SamB's in Bowling Green from 4:30-7:30 p.m.
December 10—Holiday Party 7 p.m. at Rachel's and Mike's House